Our Impact!
What else? Membership has grown through the study; new relationships have been built; continued interest in the study and chapter’s activities have been expressed; and opportunities for members to join Council have been created and shared.
Looking Ahead: Fall 2021
Although it was not possible, at this time, to study all chapters of the book, many members have expressed a desire to continue working with Building Thinking Classrooms during the 2021-22 school year. And we’ll be doing our very best to meet our members’ professional learning needs!
What to expect? With more educators exploring this pedagogy in their own practices, we'll be enriching our shared time with practical findings from the field--in the #OttawaZone!
In the meantime, we'd like to offer up some encouragement! And a sample of resources as insight to some of the ‘how’ and ‘what’ of the study’s organization, facilitation, and degree of participation.
Let's Connect!
On behalf of the O34ME Council and Professional Learning Committee, we wish you all the very best for a strong finish to the year and for a relaxing Summer. Contact: Need to connect with O34ME? Use our Contact Form to ask questions, share concerns, and/or provide suggestions.
Yours in #mathedu
Chris Stewart 2019-22 O34ME President
Welcome: The Ottawa Zone for Mathematics Education (O34ME) On behalf of O34ME (The Ottawa Zone for Mathematics Education, Ottawa Chapter of OAME) Executive & Council, I'd like to start by introducing the members of the 2022/23 Executive. I am both privileged and honored to be working alongside such an enthusiastic, committed and dynamic group of educators serving Mathematics Educators in the Greater Ottawa Region. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with each of our Executive members. Yours in #mathedu, Chris Stewart, OCT O34ME 2019-22 President Your 2022/23 Executive Karyn Hepburn, OCT
Perspectives & Aspirations:
Stephanie Bishop, OCT Perspectives & Aspirations:
Tony Alexander, OCT
Gregory Taylor, OCT
Chris Stewart, OCT Current Role in Math Education:
Perspectives: When students are inspired to share and discuss their thinking and reasoning, they become their own and others’ teachers! An educator's role is then to help guide their students to becoming better at this — the content students learn is a vehicle to serving conversations. How to engage in the process of learning is the core of all teaching and learning. rs in all subjects. Aspirations:
Natalie Robinson, OCT Perspectives & Aspirations:
Jimmy Pai, OCT Perspectives:
Melissa Black, OCT
Questions About O34ME? Support for Professional Learning?
What a great way to celebrate our year-end and begin setting conditions for next year!
Your 2021-22 Executive & Council
Thank you Council for your ongoing commitment to supporting our membership throughout the year. And thanks to our membership for their interest and participation in O34ME and OAME activities.
Please join me in welcoming Teresa Weselake (Renfrew County DSB Representative) and Fatima Assaf (Post-secondary Representative) to our team! We’re excited to be working with you both! We’d also like to recognize all those who are continuing in their roles, and those who are stepping into other roles—Lara Eager (Social Chair), Melissa Black (Ottawa Catholic SB Representative), and Suhana Kadoura (OAME Chapter Representative). At this time, we'd also like to congratulate two of our members who will be serving with the OAME Executive--Melissa Black (OAME Vice-president) and Jimmy Pai (OAME Director). Both Melissa and Jimmy will continue to serve O34ME as ex officio members of our Executive.
Join Us!
Note that some Teacher Representative positions remain to be filled. If you or someone you know are interested in finding out more about joining O34ME, please feel free to reach out to our Membership Coordinator.
Missed the AGM?
For your reflection, and if you were unable to join us for the AGM, you'll find everything you need.
We Want to Hear From You!
At O34ME, we endeavor to foster enthusiasm, innovation, and growth in Mathematics Education among teachers and their students. To better serve you--our Membership!--we want to better understand your professional learning needs moving forward.
We encourage you to complete the following survey. The results of the survey will then be used to shape educator supports, launching as early as the end of August, 2021. Thank you so much for your participation in this survey, membership events, and ongoing support of teaching and learning of Mathematics in the Ottawa Zone. Membership Survey
Final Remarks
The Ottawa Zone for Mathematics Educators had a successful year thanks to our Executive and Council Members. As a result of their dedication to collaboration and commitment to leading with the Chapter’s Mission, Values and Objectives, we were able to build capacity within our Chapter for leadership in mathematics education. We also brought awareness to membership of our strategic priorities through ongoing communication and support for professional learning experiences.
Although we identify with this time of year as being our chapter’s year-end, the work continues. We will keep you all apprised of next steps regarding O34ME-related professional learning for the coming year. In closing, it has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to have served again as Chair, working alongside such a focused, creative, open and collaborative group of professionals. All the best, Chris Stewart, OCT 2019-22 O34ME President |
O34ME - BlogFeaturing posts that provide visitors an opportunity to engage in meaningful reflections on practice, as well as connecting research with pedagogical practice Archives
May 2022
The views expressed or implied on this website, unless otherwise noted, should not be interpreted as official positions of OAME and/or its affiliates and O34ME. |